Georgians for Hillary

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Hillary Clinton IS The Most Electable...

..."A recent Gallup Panel survey shows that Democrats think Hillary Clinton has the best chance of being elected president among the Democratic presidential candidates..." [Source: 3/1/2007 Gallup News Service article "Democrats View Hillary Clinton as Most Electable Democratic Candidate"]

In the survey, 74% of those questioned indicated that they believed that Hillary has an excellent or good chance of being elected President in 2008.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hillary has the team, she's raising the money, but the only way that she'll be in the White House in '08 is with your active support of her campaign and candidacy.

Go to Hillary to volunteer; sign up to attend a MeetUp in your local neighborhood; and by all means begin a conversation with your friends and family about why you're supporting Hillary for President.

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  • hilary ur the best candidate- for democratic president08

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 4, 2007 at 10:18 PM  


    Two conservative bloggers have finally filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, challenging that Hillary Clinton accepted illegal contributions to her presidential campaign.

    Hold on! Hillary doing something illegal? Why that's nothing but right wing HATE speech! Everybody knows that Hillary would never do anything illegal! Right?

    You might have caught two stories from the LATimes and New York Post that questioned donations received from impoverished Chinese neighborhoods in New York City. The LA Times looked at donations made after a fundraiser targeting the Chinese community ... it hard a really hard time tracking down many of the donors. Most of them had not registered to vote. Many held low-paying jobs ... dishwashers and such. The obvious question is: how much are we paying these people to make wontons? But some said that they were instructed by community leaders to cough up money for Hillary.

    It's easy to see what is going on here. Deep pocket Hillary supporters are handing out the money to people who barely make above the minimum wage, and then ordering these people to donate that money to Hillary. One cook in a Chinatown restaurant told the New York Post that she was reimbursed for her $1,000 contribution to Hillary.

    This, as we know, is illegal. I can promise you that if Clinton were running for reelection instead of election, she would be trying to get the IRS to investigate these dishwashers to see if they had some unreported income hanging around out there.

    The bloggers also charge that she took money from illegal immigrants. That would also be illegal. Once the FEC received the complaint, it will have five days to mail it to the Clinton campaign, which will have 15 days to respond.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 1, 2007 at 5:40 AM  

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